McDATA 4500 Switch User Manual

McDATA® Sphereon 4500 Fabric Switch Product Manager User Manual
Configuring the Switch
Configure Identification
Use the procedure in this section to identify the switch by its name,
description, location, and contact person. This information displays
in the following Product Manager locations:
Product Manager window title panel (name).
Switch Properties dialog box (name, location, contact, description).
Identification table at the top of the Hardware View (name,
location, description).
The name also displays in the switch icon label in the Enterprise
Fabric Connectivity (EFC) Manager Product tab if the product name is
enabled through the EFC Manager Display Options.
Data entered through the following procedure is saved in nonvolatile
random access memory (NV-RAM) on the switch.
To configure identification for the switch, use the following steps:
1. Select Identification from the Configuration menu on the menu bar.
The Configure Identification dialog box displays.
Figure 3-1 Configure Identification Dialog Box
2. Click in the Name field and enter a name for the switch. The name
could reflect the switchs Ethernet network domain name service
(DNS) host name, if assigned.
3. Click in the Description field and enter a description of the switch.
4. Click in the Location field and enter the location of the switch.
5. Click in the Contact field and enter appropriate information about
a contact person, such as a phone number, title, or e-mail address.