ETU400 User Guide 011603
The parameters used with PCFROMPC multiple-device transfer are described
Qualified file name The name of the file to be transferred. If you
are transferring a file from multiple micros, the
file name, including the path name, must be
identical on each micro.
MICLST1 The device name of the source micro(s). To
transfer a file from more than one micro, enter
the device name of each. (You must be authorized
to use each device you specify in the MICLIST1
parameter. If you can sign on to the device, then
you are authorized to use it.)
Enter a plus sign ( ) here and press ENTER to
display multiple MICLST1 prompts in which to
enter the device names.
Each device you transfer from must be powered on,
have emulation loaded, and have the AS/400 sign-
on screen displayed.
MICLST2 The device name of the target micro. The default,
*REQUESTER, transfers multiple files to the micro
from which you initiate the command. (You must be
authorized to any device you specify in this
parameter or the transfer will fail.)
Files transferred to the target micro have the
same names as the devices from which they came.
Device names can be up to ten characters long. If
the device name of the source micro is longer
than eight positions, the file name on the target
micro will be in the format: XXXXXXXX.XX.
For example, a file transferred from a micro with
device name Port5 Addr3 to another micro is
called PORT5ADD.R3.
NOTE: MICLST2 must be changed from *REQUESTER to
the target micro name when you run this command
in batch mode.