ETU400 User Guide 011603
*BASICS Converts the file to BASIC Sequential format.
*TAB Converts the file to BASIC Sequential format with
tab characters as the delimiters.
TRANSFILE The file name of the translation table file to be used. The
default is TRANSLATE.
Mac Users: There are two files you can use.
If you use the default file (TRANSLATE), the member names have an M on
the end of the name (for example, ETOA1M). The Mac translation members
are also shipped in a file called MACTAB. The members in this file do not
have the M at the end of the name (for example, ETOA1)
Library The library containing the TRANSFILE. *LIBL is the
TRANSMBR The TRANSFILE member name. The default is ETOA1.
RECL The record length of the translation work file record length.
Valid record length entries are:
*FILE Indicates that the record length of the FRMFILE
will be used.
0 Specifies that PCDATA file already exists and the
current record length will be used.
1-9989 Specifies the record length for the translation
work file.
If an ASCII fixed-record-length translation is to be
performed, specify *FILE to produce the desired file. If you
are not translating to ASCII fixed-length records, you may
specify any record length. This could allow for better
performance by buffering the data.
JOBD The qualified name of the job description to be used if
XLATETO is to be placed in a job queue. If blank, the XLATETO
command will be executed interactively (this is the default).
When JOBD is specified, XLATETO will execute the SBMJOB
command automatically, and then release the micro for other
Library The library containing the job description. *LIBL is
the default.
FLDDEFFILE If the file being translated is the translation type *DIF,
*BASICS, or *TAB, and is not externally defined with either
DDS or F&I specs, you must specify either a source physical
file containing data definition specifications (DDS), or an
RPG source file containing F&I specifications.
When transferring a *TEXT file or any other file that was
previously defined with DDS or F&I specs, use the default,
*NONE, or its equivalent, *DDS.