ETU400 User Guide 011603
TRANSFILE The qualified file name of the translate table file to be
used. The default is TRANSLATE.
Library The library name containing the TRANSFILE file. *LIB is
the default.
Mac Users: There are two files you can use. If you use the default file
(TRANSLATE), the member names have an M on the end of the name (for
example, ATOE1M). The Mac translation members are also shipped in a file
called MACTAB. The members in this file do not have the M at the end of
the name (for example, ATOE1).
TRANSMBR The TRANSFILE member name. ATOE1, an ASCII-to-EBCDIC table,
is the default.
TRUNCATE For *TEXT translations only: Specifies whether the text is to
be truncated.
*NO The data is folded (this is the default).
*YES The data is truncated, if necessary.
To truncate indicates that once the current host record is
filled, any additional data for that record as it resided on
the micro will be lost. Additionally, the record is written
to the host only after ETU reads an end-of-record character
sequence in the qualified file. The end-of-record character
is defined in the translation table (see Table 8-1, position
40-41, in Chapter 8).
To fold indicates that once the current host record is
filled, any additional data existing for that micro record
will be written (wrapped) into the next AS/400 record.
JOBD The name of the job description to be used if XLATEFROM is to
be placed in a job queue. If left blank, the XLATEFROM
command is executed interactively (this is the default). When
JOBD is specified, XLATEFROM will execute SBMJOB command
automatically, and then release the micro for other work.
Library The library name containing the job description. *LIBL
is the default.
FLDDEFFILE When transferring to a new file, specify either a source
physical file containing physical file data description
specifications (DDS), or RPG source file containing F and I
Use the default, *NONE, when translating to existing host
Library The name of the library containing the FLDDEFFILE file.
*LIBL is the default.
FLDDEFMBR The FLDDEFFILE member name. You can enter the member name or
one of the following values:
*FILE Transfers the member with the same name as the
FLDEFFILE (the default value).