ETU400 User Guide 011603
LIBRTOPC Procedure
ETU36 LIBRTOPC, member name, partall member type member lib
member name PROC clib
partial name, ALL LIBRARY
record len 1 , file size remove ctl
1000 YES
reformat , xlate file , xlate size , record len2
*TEXT ETOA1 1000 record len1
*DIF , xlate table , xlate size , input specs
*BASICS 1000
*none , , , ,
workstation file name
The LIBRTOPC procedure transfers a AS/400 library member from the
AS/400 to the workstation specified, optionally translating the file
into a workstation data format.
member name is the name, or partial name, of the library member(s)
to be sent to the workstation.
partall (optional) if the member name is only a partial name,
enter ALL to have all members of the specified type
extracted from the library. Leave this entry blank if
the member name is complete.
member type (optional) is the type of the library member(s) to be
extracted. Specify PROC for procedures, SOURCE for
source members, or LIBRARY for both source and
procedure members. The default value is SOURCE.
The LOAD and SUBR member types are not supported in the
S/36 environment. If you wish to transfer these member
types from the host to a micro, use the native command
PGMFRM3XB or the S/36 environment command FROMLIBR to
copy library members to a save file and then use the
native command PWRFROM3XB to transfer the save file
(object type *SAVF) from the host.
member lib (optional) is the name of the AS/400 library from which
to extract the specified members. The default value is
the current library.