Chapter 2 - Hardware Installation
The Add MCU dialog box opens.
b. In the Name box, enter the name of the MCU. Specify a name that
clearly identifies the MCU.
c. In the IP Address box enter the default IP Address of the MCU as
entered in the LAN.CFG file.
d. Click OK.
The new MCU is added to the MCUs list.
Method 2 - Using a Cross-over Cable and a Laptop to Connect
to the MCU
1. Connect a cross-over LAN or Hub cable between the laptop and the rear
panel of the MCU.
2. On the laptop, click Control Panel ->Network Connection->Local
Area Connection.
3. In the Local Area Connection - General dialog box
, click the
Properties button.
4. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click Use the
following IP address, and define the address of the laptop as part of the
same network segment as the MCU. For example,
5. Click OK.
6. Install the MGC+ Manager application and start this application.
7. Define a new MCU using the default IP address: