Polycom RSS 2000 Server User Manual

Polycom RSS 2000 User Guide
Auto discovery is suitable for clustering several RSS 2000 devices on a
single subnet. When clustering devices, the RSS 2000 will automatically
find all other RSS 2000 devices on the same subnet and possessing the
same group name configured in the "Clustering group name" settings
and will make those devices members of its own group. Any device in a
group can play back files stored on other devices in the same group.
Manual configuration is suitable for clustering RSS 2000 devices on
different subnets. The master/slave relationship between the clustered
RSS 2000 devices will now be configured in accordance with their actual
network linkage, that is, configure one RSS 2000 device which is
accessible via router to all of other RSS 2000 devices as a master device,
and others are slave devices. In these circumstances, a device can access
the master RSS 2000 and play back recordings stored on the master and
other clients.
Table 2-6 Details of Clustering Configuration Items
Item Details
Enable device
Enables the device clustering function. Devices will not use the
clustering function when this box is not checked. In that case,
RSS 2000 devices on the network will only be able to preview or
play video files on their own hard drives, and the other settings on
this screen will not be enabled. The clustering function will be
enabled when this box is checked.
Clustering group
The clustering group name is only effective when auto discovery
is used.
Auto discovery
Determines whether the device uses automatic clustering to
discover video files on other RSS 2000 devices. Auto discovery
will be enabled when this box is checked. In that case, the
"Master device address" box cannot be edited. The device will
employ manual configuration when this box is not checked. In that
case, the IP address of the master RSS 2000 device must be
entered on the client device.
Master device
The IP address of the master RSS 2000 device in the clustering
group. If the current device is the master device, this field can be
left blank.
When viewing videos stored on external RSS 2000 devices using clustering, only
videos configured for "Full permission" can be viewed.
Videos stored on external RSS 2000 devices cannot be deleted via clustering, and
their video properties cannot be edited.
System Settings
Clicking on "System Configuration -> System Settings" in the navigation bar
on the left side of the screen allows the user to configure items describe in
Table 2-7.