Polycom RSS 2000 Server User Manual

Appendix A – Terminal Setting
and User Commands
The RSS 2000 supports command settings for the configuration of equipment
and troubleshooting. There are two ways of using commands to configure
settings: one is to connect to the RSS 2000's serial port and use an emulation
program like Hyperterminal; the other is to use telnet. The format of
commands is the same in both cases. The following explains how to use
commands to perform settings with hyperterminal commands only, but the
commands in telnet work the same way.
Hyperterminal Parameters
Port: COM1 (confirm on the basis of the port used on the PC)
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Data: 8
Parity: none
Stop bit: 1
The following additional parameters may need to be set if required by the
emulation software:
Echo off for local input
DEL key and Backspace key settings
Carriage return/line feed
Endpoint emulation types are "automatic" and "ANSI"
Logging in
After completing the above settings and successfully enabling the endpoint
emulation software, press the Carriage Return/Enter key to enter the login
The login interface displays various types of information about the software
and prompts the user to enter the login password. Please enter the login
password and press Enter.