Ricoh 3030 Printer User Manual

Specifications for Transmission/Store/Delivery Functions
The network delivery scanner function
This is the total number of characters entered directly and from subjects selected in
the subject list.
The e-mail address must meet the following requirements:
A The address must be specified using one of the following formats:
B "name" and "domain" in A must only consist of the following characters:
•numbers (19)
letters (a-z, A-Z)
symbols (! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~)
Period (.). They can be used anywhere except the beginning and end of an ad-
dress or before @. Periods cannot be used next to each other.
The maximum number of destinations that can be selected depends on the ScanRout-
er delivery software. For details, see the manual provided with the ScanRouter de-
livery software.
Maximum number of characters that can be en-
tered for delivery
Delivery Destination
(E-Mail Address)
Maximum Number of Destinations That Can Be
Specified at Once
Maximum Number of Destinations That Can Be
Registered in the Destination List
See the manual provided with the Scan-
Router delivery software.