Sending Scan Files by E-mail
Using a registration number to
specify a sender name
A Press [Attach Sender's Name].
B Enter the five digit registration
number that has been assigned
to a destination folder using
the number keys.
If the entered number is less
than five digits, press the {#}
key after the last number.
Example: To enter 00006
Press the {6} key, and then
press the {#} key.
❒ When a protection code has
been set, a screen for entering
the protection code appears
after selecting the sender. En-
ter the protection code, and
then press [OK]. If the protec-
tion code you entered is cor-
rect, the sender name and
[Return Receipt] are displayed.
C Press [OK].
Searching for a sender
A Press [Attach Sender's Name].
B Press [].
C Press [User (Dest.) Name].
The soft keyboard appears.
❒ To search for an e-mail ad-
dress, press [E-mail Address].
D Enter part of the sender name.
❒ Enter the first character or
characters of the sender
❒ It is also possible to perform
a combined search using [Us-
er (Dest.) Name] and [E-mail Ad-
E Press [OK].