Sending Scan Files by Scan to Folder
C Select “Connection Type”. To
view the NDS tree, click [NDS].
To view the NetWare server,
click [Bindery].
D Press [Browse Network] to the
right of the path name field.
If you set "Connection Type" to
[NDS], the NDS tree list appears.
If you set "Connection Type" to
[Bindery], the NetWare server
list appears.
❒ Folders for which you do not
have access privileges do not
❒ If the languages used on the
machine and the destination
you want to view differ,
items in the list may not ap-
pear correctly.
❒ Up to 100 items can be dis-
played in the list.
E Search for the destination fold-
er in the NDS tree or NetWare
❒ If the selected NDS tree or
NetWare server requires au-
thentication, a login screen
appears. Enter a user name
and password for logging on
to the NDS tree or NetWare
server. If you press [NDS] for
"Connection Type", enter a
user name, and then enter
the name of the context con-
taining the user object. If the
user name is “user” and the
name of the Context is “con-
text”, the user name will be
❒ If you cannot find the desti-
nation folder, press [Up One
Level] and search for the fold-
er at that level.
F Select the destination folder.
❒ If you do not have write priv-
ileges for the destination
folder, or there is not enough
available storage on the des-
tination computer disk, the
file may not be sent.
G Press [OK].
H Press [OK].
Searching for a destination folder
in the destination list
A Press [].