Samsung 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller Microcassette Recorder User Manual

The system clock control register, CLKCON, is located in address D4H. It is read/write addressable and has the
following functions:
Oscillator IRQ wake-up function enable/disable
Oscillator frequency divide-by value
CLKCON register settings control whether or not an external interrupt can be used to trigger a Stop mode release
(This is called the “IRQ wake-up” function). The IRQ “wake-up” enable bit is CLKCON.7.
After a reset, the external interrupt oscillator wake-up function is enabled, the main oscillator is activated, and the
fx/16 (the slowest clock speed) is selected as the CPU clock. If necessary, you can then increase the CPU clock
speed to fx, fx/2, or fx/8 by setting the CLKCON, and you can change system clock from main clock to sub clock
by setting the OSCCON.
System Clock Control Register (CLKCON)
D4H, R/W
.7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0MSB LSB
Not used for S3C9228 (must keep always "0")
Divide-by selection bits for
CPU clock frequency:
00 = fxx/16
01 = fxx/8
10 = fXx/2
11 = fxx
Oscillator IRQ wake-up enable bit:
0 = Enable IRQ for main oscillator
wake-up function in power down
1 = Disable IRQ for main oscillator
wake-up function in power down
Not used for S3C92228 (must keep always "0")
Figure 7-7. System Clock Control Register (CLKCON)