++ PROGRAMMING TIP — Standard Stack Operations Using PUSH and POP
The following example shows you how to perform stack operations in the internal register file using PUSH and
POP instructions:
LD SP,#0B8H ; SP ← B8H (Normally, the SP is set to 0B8H by the
; initialization routine)
PUSH SYM ; Stack address 0B7H ← SYM
PUSH WTCON ; Stack address 0B6H ← WTCON
PUSH 20H ; Stack address 0B5H ← 20H
PUSH R3 ; Stack address 0B4H ← R3
POP R3 ; R3 ← Stack address 0B4H
POP 20H ; 20H ← Stack address 0B5H
POP WTCON ; WTCON ← Stack address 0B6H
POP SYM ; SYM ← Stack address 0B7H