
Configuring the AP
142 AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
7. Select Alter Filename(s)/HELP URL/TFTP Server.
8. Press ENTER.
9. Enter the firmware filename in the firmware field .Firmware Filename.
Change this only if the user or system/network administrator requires a new
filename. The default files for a 4131 model access point are dsap3_fw.bin
and dsapt3htm.bin.
dsap3_fw.bin or dsapt3htm.bin
Verify the path for the filename is accurate. (See step one)
10. Select .TFTP Server field and enter the TFTP Server IP address.
11. Press ENTER.
12. Select Save- [F1] to save settings.
13. The system prompts Are you sure (Y/N)? Type Y.
If using telnet to connect to the AP through an Ethernet interface, do not use
Use XMODEM to Update Access Point’s Firmware option. This option causes
the AP to reset and look for the firmware file over the serial interface.
14. Under the function heading Use TFTP to Update Access Points: select Firmware
and HTML File and press ENTER.
15. The system prompts Are you sure (Y/N)? Type Y.
The Telnet session ends when the user answers “yat the prompt.