Configuring the AP
AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide 49
The following conventions also apply when navigating screens
and menus:
• To select menu items, press the key corresponding to the bold letter for
the item (case-sensitive hot key). Press ENTER to select the item.
• Press TAB to scroll through menu items.
• To change menu items, note the bottom line on the screen for
configuration options. For multiple choice options, press the bold letter to
select. To change values, type in the value and press ENTER. If the value
is invalid, the AP beeps and restores the original value. Press TAB to
scroll to next menu item.
• The bottom line on the menu enables menu/screen changes to take
effect. Press TAB to scroll to the item and press ENTER to select.
• When changing values such as System Name or System Passwords,
accept values by scrolling to the next field or pressing ENTER.
• Some screens use function keys to initiate commands. For example,
statistic screens include
refresh-[F1] and Timed-[F2] commands to
update the display.
• Some options listed at the bottom of screens indicate possible
commands for a selected item. For example, in the Known APs screen,
highlighting an AP on the list and pressing the [F1] key brings up the
Ping function to Ping that AP.
• Press ESC to exit from submenus.