
Monitoring Statistics
184 AP-4131 Access Point Product Reference Guide
3.9.1 Analyzing Channel Use
The AP keeps statistics for individual Channels (frequencies). These identify
channels that have difficulty transmitting or receiving due to retries.
To view statistics for individual channels:
1. Select Show Misc Statistics from the Main Menu.
2. Select Per Channel Statistics to display:
Chnl. Sent Rcvd Retry
===== ==== ==== =====
1: 0 0 0
2: 0 0 0
3: 88 89 3
4: 0 0 0
5: 0 0 0
6: 0 0 0
7: 0 0 0
8: 0 0 0
9: 0 0 0
10: 0 0 0
11: 0 0 0
Press any key to continue
The display shows counters for the packets sent, received and retries
for each channel.
3. Press any key to continue.