PCK Emulation
Draw Commands
Table 5-5. Draw Commands
Command Description Syntax Example
Draw Point Draws a single
point on the display
ESC [Px;PyP ESC[10;20P sets a point at
column 1 row 20 in the
current color.
Draw Line Draws a line
between two points
ESC[Px;Py; Px;PyL ESC[5;10;200;50L draws a
line from (5,10) to (200,50) in
the current color. Note: If
either endpoint is off the
screen, the line is not drawn.
Draw Rectangle Draws a rectangle
between two
points. If Pf = 1, the
rectangle is filled. If
Pf = 0, it is not
ESC[10;10;100;40;1R draws
a filled rectangle from (10,10)
to (100,40) in the current
color. Note: If any corner is
off the screen, the rectangle
is not drawn.
Set Color Sets the drawing
color for
ESC[30m sets the
color to black.
ESC[37m sets the
color to white.
Draw Bitmap Draws the bitmap
specified by Pi at
location (Px,Py) on
the screen, with the
upper-left corner at
(Px,Py). The pixels
are combined with
the current screen
image according to
the Pm parameter.
ESC[Pi;Px;Py;PmD ESC[42;10;25;1D draws
bitmap #42 at (10,25) with its
colors XORed with the
current screen image.