Setup and Installation: Communication
Auxiliary Port Parameters
Edit Aux Port Params - PCK Configuration Menu Option 4
To select or change the auxiliary port parameters, choose Edit Aux Port Params at the PCK
Configuration menu by scanning the "4" bar code located in the section Numeric Bar Codes
beginning on page B-6.
The following RS-232 Configuration screen displays:
Figure 3-9. RS-232 Configuration Screen
Scan the numeric bar code that matches the selection you wish to edit.
Note:When you have completed entering numeric values on any screen,
scan the "Enter" bar code. Successive scans of the "Enter" bar code
return you to the main PCK Configuration menu where you must
scan "Exit PCK Config" to save changes.
If you wish to exit any screen without completing your entries, scan
the Cancel bar code to return to the parent screen. Any changes
made in the present screen are discarded.