MK1000 MicroKiosk Product Reference Guide
Quick Startup Instructions
This index of instructions highlights key installation topics. Mandatory steps are noted by
an asterisk (*). If multiple pages are referenced, the key reference is bolded.
Product Features
- Buttons and Controls 1-4, 3-18, 3-19, 3-21
- Bar code Scanning Modes 1-6, C-1, 5-14
Mechanical Installation: Cables, Power and Mounting
- Overview* 2-1
- Ethernet Installation
- Wired: Power via AC Outlet 1-12, 2-2
- Wired: Power via Power-Over-Ethernet 1-12, 2-3
- Wireless: Power via AC Outlet 1-12, 2-4
- Wireless: Power via Power-Over-Ethernet 1-12, 2-5
- RS-485 Installation 2-6
- RS-232 Installation 2-9
- Mounting* 2-11
- Cable Pin-outs 2-13, 2-14, 2-15, 2-16
Establishing Communication with your Host
- Selecting a Communicating Interface* 3-2, G-1
- Methods of Configuring a MK1000* 3-3
- PCK Configuration Menu 3-2, 3-3, 3-4
- MAP of Menu Structure 3-5, 3-7
- Entering, Navigating and Saving Changes 3-6, 3-9, B-1
- MK1000 Configuration Menu 3-3, 3-16
- MAP of Menu Structure 3-17
- Entering, Navigating and Saving Changes 3-18, 3-19, 3-21, A-1
- Telnet Session 3-3, 3-47
- MAP of Menu Structure 3-48, 3-17
- Entering, Navigating and Saving Changes 3-18, 3-48
Demo Application 4-1
PCK Emulation Protocol 3-2, 5-1
Troubleshooting F-1