Whether, by default, endpoints are permitted to
contribute the content channel for a conference
through the mechanism of opening a content
video channel.
There can only be one endpoint contributing
content video at any one time, and the MCU
arbitrates between them. Therefore, even with
this parameter set to Enabled, the ability of the
endpoint to contribute content video will be
affected by other endpoints' behavior.
If this setting is Disabled, it is still possible to
enable content contribution on a per-endpoint
basis when the conference is active. Similarly, it is
possible to disable content contribution from
specific endpoints, either while they are
connected or via their configuration. For more
information about endpoint configuration, refer
to Configuring H.323 endpoints and/or
Configuring SIP endpoints.
This setting only applies to scheduled
When the MCU is not in port reservation mode,
this parameter sets a limit on the number of
endpoints which can connect to the conference as
video participants.
A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the
video limit whether the MCU is sending a video
stream to that participant or a video stream is
being received.
If you do not want to limit the number of
participants who can join this conference and use
video, leave this field blank.
This field is only shown if the MCU is not in port
reservation mode.
This field only applies to scheduled conferences.
When the MCU is not in port reservation mode,
this parameter sets a limit on the number of
endpoints which can connect to the conference as
audio-only participants.
A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the
audio limit whether the MCU is sending an audio
stream to that participant or an audio stream is
being received.
If you do not want to limit the number of
participants who can join this conference to use
just audio, leave this field blank.
This field is only shown if the MCU is not in port
reservation mode.
This field only applies to scheduled conferences.
In port reservation mode, this parameter specifies
the number of video ports to reserve.
A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the
video reservation value whether the MCU is
sending a video stream to that participant or a
video stream is being received.
This value is both a reservation and a limit; the
MCU guarantees that this many video participants
can connect to the conference, but no more than
this will be able to join.
This field is only shown if the MCU is in port
reservation mode.
In port reservation mode, this parameter specifies
the number of audio-only ports to reserve.
A participant counts (as a single unit) towards the
audio reservation value whether the MCU is
sending an audio stream to that participant or an
audio stream is being received.
This value is both a reservation and a limit; the
MCU guarantees that this many audio-only
participants can connect to the conference, but
no more that this will be able to join.
This field is only shown if the MCU is in port
reservation mode.
The time at which the conference will begin.
The date on which the conference will begin.