Error Messages
445-0089-01-01 6–7
Invert Hi Bat V Inverter battery voltage greater than
Check for external charging sources and disable
if necessary.
AC Out Overload AC output overload. Reduce the AC load so that even for short times,
the AC output current does not exceed 26A.
Ext Comm Timeout PROsine external communications
Check that the connections on the
communications cable between the PROsine and
the display panel are secure.
Check whether the communications cable has
been damaged.
Check the proximity of the communications
cable to DC and AC cables. If the cable crosses
DC or AC cables, ensure that it does so at right
Charge Lo Bat V Battery voltage did not rise above 10V
within 30 seconds of the charger
starting. This may indicate a problem
with the battery (e.g. a damaged
battery), but will also occur if the
battery was very dead at the start of the
charge cycle.
Clear the error and restart the charging process.
If battery V does not come to 10V after a few of
charging cycles, have your battery tested.
SeriesComTimeout Series communication timeout
Ensure that both
PROsines have power.
Ensure that the ON/OFF/REM switch for both
units is ON (or REM if Remote Shutdown is
being used).
Ensure that both PROsines are configured
correctly and are enabled.
RelayWeldDetect0 The internal transfer relay is unable to
switch between shorepower and
inverter output. Charge/passthrough or
Invert modes may be unavailable.
Call Xantrex.
AC Backfeed You have applied an AC source
(shorepower) to the inverter output.
This has been caused by improper
wiring. This error can also be caused by
a short circuit on the AC output wiring.
Check AC input and output wiring. The AC
output wiring should not be connected to an AC
source at any time.
Table 6-3
Error Messages
Error Message Details Action