
Viewing T1/E1 Local Statistics
Page 33-17
Viewing T1/E1 Local Statistics
There are a number of commands available for viewing local T1 and E1 statistics. These
commands provide statistics for the past 24 hours, the current 15-minute interval, or the past
96 15-minute intervals. The following sections describe these commands.
Viewing Total Local Statistics
You can view statistics occurring during the past 24 hours on a single port by entering the
following command
telts <slot>/<port>
where <slot> is the slot number where the board is located, and <port> is the port number on
the board for which you want to view statistics. For example, to view 24-hour statistics for
Port 2 on the board in slot 5, enter
telts 5/2
A screen similar to the following displays:
Local 24-hour Period Statistics for port 2 on slot 5
Circuit Identifier : Alcatel T1 Circuit
Valid Intervals : 1 of 96 Elapsed Time : 421 of 900
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
3 1 1 0 1 313 0 2 313
Circuit Identifier.
The textual description of this T1 or E1 port as configured through the temod
Valid Intervals. Indicates the number of 15-minute intervals for which valid statistics were gath-
ered during the previous 24 hours. Statistics may be gathered for up to 96 15-minute intervals
during a 24 hour period.
Elapsed Time. The number of seconds that have elapsed during this 15-minute interval of gath-
ering statistics. This time will be reset to zero when a 15-minute session of statistics gathering
is complete (and stored) and the next 15-minute interval begins.
ES. Errored Seconds. For T1-ESF and E1-CRC conditions, this is a second with one or more
Path Code Violations, one or more out-of-frame defects, one or more controlled slip errors, or
an AIS error.
SES. Severely Errored Seconds. For T1-ESF frames, this is a second with 320 or more Path
Code Violation errors, one or more out-of-frame defects, or an
AIS error. For E1-CRC condi-
tions, this is a second with 832 or more Path Code Violation errors, or one or more out-of-
frame defects. For
E1-noCRC signals, this is a second with 2048 or more Line Code Violation
errors. For
D4/(SF) frames, this is a second with framing errors, an out-of-frame error, or a
second with 1544 or more line code violation errors.
BES. Bursty Errored Seconds. The number of seconds with fewer than 320 but more than one
(1) Path Code Violation error (see below for definition), no Severely Errored Frame errors,
and no AIS errors.
UAS. Unavailable Seconds. The number of seconds this port was unavailable for transmitting
or receiving data. In general, a port is unavailable after 10 consecutive Severely Errored
Seconds or after a failure on the interface occurs.