
NTP Information Menu
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NTP Information Menu
To view the NTP configuration menu, enter the ntinfo command at the system prompt. If you
are using verbose mode, the NTP configuration menu is displayed. Otherwise, enter a ques-
tion mark (?) at the prompt to display this menu:
Command NTP Information Menu
--------------- --------------------------------------------------------
ntplpeers display list of peers the server knows about
ntppeers display peer summary information
ntpdmpeers display peer summary info the way Dave Mills likes it
ntpshowpeer display detailed information for one or more peers
ntpvers print version number
ntpinfo display local server information
Related Menus:
Ntconfig Ntinfo Ntstats Ntadmin Ntaccess
The main menu options are shown in the Related Menus list for quick access if you need to
change menus.
Display List of Peers the Server Knows About
The ntplpeers command is used to display a brief list of all NTP associations related to this
switch (servers, peers, etc.).
To display a list of
NTP associations, enter the ntplpeers command at the system prompt. A
display similar to the following is shown:
The list shows the mode this switch is using in relation to the association, and the address of
the remote association. The address is either a domain name or an IP address. The available
modes are as follows:
Symmetric Active (1) A host in this mode sends periodic messages regardless of the
reachability state of stratum of its peer. By operating in this
mode the host announces its willingness to synchronize and be
synchronized by the peer.
Symmetric Passive (2) This type of association is ordinarily created upon the arrival of
a message from a peer operating in the symmetric active mode
and persists only as long as the peer is reachable and operat-
ing at a stratum level less than or equal to the host; otherwise
the association is dissolved. The association will always persist
until at least one message has been sent in reply. By operating
in this mode the host announces its willingness to synchronize
and be synchronized by the peer.
Client (3) A host operating in this mode sends periodic messages regard-
less of the reachability state of stratum of its peer. By operating
in this mode the host, usually a
LAN workstation, announces its
willingness to be synchronized, but not to synchronize the