
Replacing a File on the Secondary MPX
Page 6-12
Replacing a File on the Secondary MPX
The mpmreplace command replaces a file on the secondary MPX. It works like a combination
of mpmrm, which is described in Removing a File from the Secondary MPX on page 6-13, and
mpmstore, which is described in Transferring a File to the Secondary MPX on page 6-11. To
use this command, enter mpmreplace, followed by a space, a slash (/), the name of the flash
directory, another slash (/), and the name of the file you want to replace.
For example, to replace the file
mpm.log on the secondary MPX with the file mpm.log from the
/flash directory on the primary MPX, for example, you would enter
mpmreplace /flash/mpm.log
at the system prompt. The following will be displayed.
If the file already exists on the target MPX and it is identical to the one you are transferring,
something similar to the following message.
File mpm.log is identical on Primary and Secondary 2
If the files are identical, the mpmreplace command will terminate and the file will not be
Loading a File from the Secondary MPX
The mpmload command loads a file from the flash memory of the secondary MPX into the
flash memory of the primary MPX. To use this command, enter mpmload, followed by a space,
a slash (/), the name of the flash directory, another slash (/), and the name of the file you
want to load.
For example, to load the file
mpm.log from the /flash directory on the secondary MPX into the
primary MPX, for example, you would enter
mpmload /flash/mpm.log
at the system prompt.