
Configuring Switch Logging
Page 10-7
3) Flash File Logging
Flash file logging records debug information from the code that manages the switch logging
feature itself (previously called “flash file system logging”). To enable flash file logging, enter
3=enable. To disable flash file logging, enter 3=disable. Flash file logging messages cannot be
saved in the mpm.log file, but flash file logging messages may be displayed on the console by
entering 31=yes. To disable sending flash file logging messages to the console, enter 31=no.
4) Screen Capture
Screen logging captures screen text for logging. To enable screen logging, enter
4=enable. To
disable screen logging, enter 4=disable. Note that since screen text already goes to the screen,
logging output to the screen is not permitted. If you want to display the screen capture
entries for all logged users, use the caplog command (for more information, see Displaying
Screen (Console) Capture Entries in the MPM Log on page 10-11).
The screen capture feature has not yet been imple-
5) Console Event Logging
Console Session Events is a record of all console login activities in the switch, including user
names, and connection times. Once you enable Console Event logging by entering
you may view it through the conlog command (described in Displaying the Connection Entries
in the MPM Log on page 10-10). To disable logging for Console Events, enter 5=disable. Note
that logging output to the console is not permitted.
6) User Interface Logging
User Interface Logging is executed on the switch since the
UI log was activated. Once you
enable UI logging by entering 6=enable, you may view it through the cmdlog command
(described in Displaying the Command History Entries in the MPM Log on page 10-9). To
disable logging for the UI, enter 6=disable.
7) Telnet Logging
Telnet Logging is a record of all Telnet activities since Telnet logging was activated. Once you
enable Telnet logging by entering
7=enable, you may view it through the conlog command
(described in Displaying the Connection Entries in the MPM Log on page 10-10). To disable
logging for Telnet, enter 7=disable.
8) Log File Size
Use this parameter to set the mpm.log file size. The default is 20,000 bytes. The maximum
number of bytes is dependent upon the available flash in your system. If you set a file that is
too large, the command will tell you the maximum allowed size. (This is half of the remain-
ing free space in your flash file system.) The minimum file size is 3,240 bytes.
9) Return Logging to Default Configuration
Use this parameter to return all of the switch logging options to their default values. Enter
9=yes to reset the configuration at reboot. To keep the same logging configuration at the next
reboot, make sure this parameter is set to no.