
Configuring a Trunking Service
Page 29-63
5. You need to specify the DLCI for virtual circuit that will be used to trunk traffic over the
Frame Relay network. Only one virtual circuit may be specified for each Trunking service.
Enter a 4, an equal sign (=), and the DLCI number for the virtual circuit similar to the
example below:
Press <Enter>.
6. Specify the Group number or numbers that you want to be Trunked over the specified
virtual circuit. A separate virtual Trunk port is created for each Group you specify here.
Each Group and Trunk port maps down to a single virtual circuit. Enter a 5, an equal sign
(=), and the Group number(s). The example below includes Groups 5 and 6 in the trunk-
ing service:
5=5 6
Press <Enter>.
7. Disregard the
Frame-Relay Bridging Mode field. It does not apply to virtual trunk ports.
8. Type
save at the colon prompt (:) and press <Enter>. All parameters for this bridging
service are saved.