
Configuring a Bridging Service
Page 29-58
5. You need to specify the DLCI for the virtual circuit to include in this bridging service. Only
one virtual circuit may be specified for each bridging service. There is a one-to-one
mapping between the Group and the virtual circuit. Enter a 4, an equal sign (=), and the
DLCI number for the virtual circuit. The example below includes the virtual circuit with
DLCI 16 in the bridging service:
Press <Enter>.
6. Specify the Group number that you want to be part of this bridging service. Enter a 5, an
equal sign (=), and the Group number. Remember, by default a virtual circuit already
bridges on Group 1. The example below includes Group 3 in the bridging service:
Press <Enter>.
7. Indicate whether or not you want frames to be translated on this virtual bridge port.
When the
Frame-Relay Bridging Mode field is set to Bridge all, no translation is performed
on frames before they are sent out to the Frame Relay network; enter an A at this field to
select this option.
When the
Frame-Relay Bridging Mode field is set to Ethernet only, non-Ethernet frames are
first translated to the default Ethernet frame format for this port before they are sent out to
the Frame Relay network. Any MAC translations configured through the Switch menu are
valid. Enter an E at this field to select this option.
8. Type
save at the colon prompt (:) and press <Enter>. All parameters for this bridging
service are saved.