
Viewing Configuration Parameters for the WSX
Page 29-35
Viewing Virtual Circuit Parameters
To view virtual circuit parameters, enter the following command
frview <slot>/<port>/<DLCI>
where <slot> is the slot number where the WSX board is located, <port> is the port number on
the WSX board, and <DLCI> is the number used to identify the virtual circuit that you want to
view. For example, if you wanted to view configuration parameters for DLCI 17 on Port
number 1 of the WSX board in switch slot 3, you would enter
frview 3/1/17
frv 3/1/17
A screen similar to the following displays:
Frame Relay DLCI for Slot 3, Port 1, DLCI 17.
1) Administrative State..................................................... = UP
2) Committed Information Rate (CIR) in BPS ..................... = 16000
3) Committed Burst Rate(Bc) in bits ................................. = 16000
4) Excess Burst Rate(Be) in bits........................................ = 40000
5) Compression Administrative Status.............................. = Enabled
6) Compression PRetry Time ............................................ = 3
7) Compression PRetry Count .......................................... = 10
8) Fragmentation Interleaving .......................................... = Enabled
81) Fragmentation Size .................................................. = 53
This screen lists all the current values for the listed parameters. These parameters are the
same ones set through the frmodify command. For detailed information on these values, see
Modifying a Virtual Circuit on page 29-29.