
Displaying ISDN Configuration Entry Status
Page 32-9
Oper Status
Indicates the current call control state for this interface. The possible entries are:
Idle means the B Channel is idle: no call or call attempt is in progress.
Connecting means a connection attempt (outgoing call) is being made.
Connected means an incoming call is currently in the process of validation.
Active means a call is currently active.
Peer Address
Indicates the ISDN address to which the current or last call is or was connected. In some
cases, the format of this information cannot be predicted since it largely depends on the type
of switch or PBX to which the device is connected. The switch software supports the display
of IA5 ASCII digits and the pound key (0-9 and #), but no space characters.
Call Origin
Indicates whether this call was answered on this channel (denoted as “
Incoming”) or was orig-
inated by this channel (denoted as “Outgoing”).
Call Setup Time
Indicates the value of “sysUpTime” (the time of day recorded by the switch) when the ISDN
setup message for the current or last call was sent or received. If, since system start-up, there
has been no call on this interface, this field will display all zeros.
Displaying Status of a Specific ISDN Port
To view status information of the ISDN channels on a specific ISDN port, for example port 4,
slot 1, enter the following command:
isdns 4/1
A screen similar to the following displays:
Status for ISDN D channel on slot: 4, Port: 1:
LAPD OperStatus: Layer 1: Active, Layer 2 DataLink: Established.
The number of incoming calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
The number of incoming calls which were actually connected. . . . 0
The number of outgoing calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
The number of outgoing calls which were actually connected . . . . 0
Oper Peer Call Call
Status Address Origin SetupTime
====== ========= ======== ===========
B1 Idle 7144509154 Incoming 0:00:00 01/70
B2 Conn 7144509156 Outgoing 0:00:00 01/70
The fields on this screen were described earlier in this section (see Displaying Status of a
Specific ISDN Slot on page 32-8).