
Configuring Router Port MAC Addresses
Page 14-6
Configuring Router Port MAC Addresses
You can use the chngmac command if you want to configure a locally administered address
(LAA) for a group that has an IP router port, IPX router port, or both. To use this command,
enter chngmac followed by the number of the group you want to modify (the default group
number is 1).
Important Note
You must add
chngmacFlag=1 to the end of the
mpx.cmd file and then reboot the switch to use the
chngmac command. See Chapter 7, “Managing Files,”
for information on editing system files.
For example, if you want to modify a
MAC address in Group 2, you would enter:
chngmac 2
at the system prompt. Something similar to the following would then be displayed:
Current MAC address is factory default
Enter Router Port's MAC address ([XXYYZZ:AABBCC]) :
Enter the router port MAC address. (It cannot be a multicast address.) If you enter an incor-
rect address, the following will be displayed:
Invalid input format -- usage [XXYYZZ:AABBCC].
and the chngmac command will terminate. If you enter a correct address, the following would
then be displayed:
Is MAC address in Canonical or Non-Canonical (C or N) [C] :
Enter C if the address is canonical or N if it is non-canonical (the default is canonical). Note
that if you execute the chngmac command again it will display the user-defined instead of
“factory default.”
Restoring Router Port Mac Addresses
If you want to restore the MAC address to the factory default, enter chngmac followed by the
group number. When the system asks for the MAC address, enter 000000:000000. For exam-
ple, to restore router port configured MAC address 003030:000001 in Group 2 to the factory
default, enter
chngmac 2
at the system prompt. The following would then be displayed:
Configured MAC Address: Canonical Non-Canonical
003030:000001 000c0c:000080
{Address 000000:000000 requests use of factory default}
Enter Router Port's MAC address ([XXYYZZ:AABBCC]) :
Note that the chngmac command displayed the user-defined instead of “factory default.” Enter
000000:000000 at the prompt.