
Creating a New Group
Page 19-24
k. After selecting to enable IPX, the following prompt displays:
IPX Network:
Enter the IPX network address. IPX addresses consist of eight hex digits and you can enter
a minimum of one hex digit in this field. If you enter less than eight hex digits, the system
prefixes your entry with zeros to create eight digits.
l. The following prompt displays:
Description (30 chars max):
Enter a useful description for this virtual IPX router port using alphanumeric characters.
The description may be up to 30 characters long. Press <Enter>.
m. The following prompt displays:
IPX Delay in ticks (0):
Enter the number of ticks you want for the IPX network. A tick is about 1/18th of a
second. The default is 0.
n. The following prompt displays:
IPX RIP and SAP mode {RIP and SAP active (a)
RIP only active (r)
RIP and SAP inactive (i)} (a):
Select how you want the IPX protocols, RIP (router information protocol) and SAP (service
access protocol), to be configured for the default VLAN in this Group. RIP is a network-
layer protocol that enables this VLAN to learn routes. SAP is also a network-layer protocol
that allows network services, such as print and files services, to advertise themselves. The
choices are:
RIP and SAP active. The default setting. The default VLAN to which this IPX router port is
attached participates in both RIP and SAP updates. RIP and SAP updates are sent and
received through this router port. Simply press <Enter> to select RIP and SAP active.
RIP only active. The default VLAN to which this IPX router port is attached participates in
RIP updates only. RIP updates are sent and received through this router port. Enter an r
and press <Enter> to select RIP only active.
RIP and SAP inactive. The IPX router port is active, but the default VLAN to which it is
attached does not participate in either RIP nor SAP updates. Enter an i and press <Enter> to
select RIP and SAP inactive.