
Viewing 802.1Q Statistics for 10/100 Ports
Page 16-17
Viewing 802.1Q Statistics for 10/100 Ports
The viqs command provides a display of statistics for 802.1Q groups assigned to 10/100 ports.
Enter the viqs command, as shown:
viqs <slot>/<port> <groupId>
where <slot> is the slot number of the module on the switch, <port> is the port number where
the service was created, and <groupId> is the number of the group that the port belongs to.
For example, to view an 802.1Q service for group 2 on port 5 of slot 2, enter:
viqs 2/5 2
A screen similar to the following displays:
Physical Group Id Transmit Received Transmit Received
Port (802.1Q) Pkts Pkts Octets Octets
------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------
2/5 2 29 0 41 0
Physical Port
. The slot and port number for this port.
Group Id (802.1Q ). The 802.1Q group to which this port was assigned.
Transmit/Received Pkts. The number of packets transmitted and received on this port.
Transmit/Received Octets. The number of bytes transmitted and received on this port.