
Creating AutoTracker VLANs
Page 22-22
13. After entering a description, the following prompt displays:
IPX RIP and SAP mode {RIP and SAP active (a)
RIP only active (r)
RIP and SAP inactive (i)} (a):
Select how you want the IPX protocols, RIP (router internet protocol) and SAP (service
access protocol), to be configured for this VLAN. RIP is a network-layer protocol that
enables this VLAN to learn routes. SAP is also a network-layer protocol that allows network
services, such as print and files services, to advertise themselves. The choices are:
RIP and SAP active. The default setting. The VLAN to which this IPX router port is attached
participates in both RIP and SAP updates. RIP and SAP updates are sent and received
through this router port. Simply press <Enter> to select RIP and SAP active.
RIP only active. The VLAN to which this IPX router port is attached participates in RIP
updates only. RIP updates are sent and received through this router port. Enter an r and
press <Enter> to select RIP only active.
RIP and SAP inactive. The IPX router port is active, but the VLAN to which it is attached does
not participate in either RIP nor SAP updates. Enter an i and press <Enter> to select RIP only
14. After selecting the
RIP and SAP configuration, the following prompt displays the default
router framing type options:
Default router framing type for : {
Ethernet Media:
Ethernet II (0),
Ethernet 802.3 LLC (1),
Ethernet 802.3 SNAP (2),
Novell Ethernet 802.3 raw (3),
FDDI Media:
fddi SNAP (4),
source route fddi SNAP (5),
fddi LLC (6),
source route fddi LLC (7),
Token Ring Media:
token ring SNAP (8),
source route token ring SNAP (9),
token ring LLC (a),
source route token ring LLC (b) } (0) :
Select the default framing type for the frames that will be generated by this router port
and propagated over the
VLAN to the outbound ports. Set the framing type to the encap-
sulation type that is most prevalent in the
VLAN. If the VLAN contains devices using encap-
sulation types other than those defined here, the MPX module must translate those frames,
which slows throughput. See the figure, Default Framing Type and the Virtual Router Port
on page 22-21 for an illustration of the Default Framing Type and its relation to Virtual
Router Port communications.