
Creating AutoTracker VLANs
Page 22-23
15. If you chose a Source Routing frame format in the last step (options 5, 7, 9, or b), the an
additional prompt displays:
Default source routing broadcast type : {
ARE broadcasts(a), STE broadcasts(s)} (a) :
Select how broadcasts will be handled for Source Routing. The choices are:
ARE broadcasts. All Routes Explorer, the default setting. Broadcasts are transmitted over
every possible path on inter-connected source-routed rings. This setting maximizes the
generality of the broadcast. Simply press <Enter> to select All Routes Explorer.
STE broadcasts. Spanning Tree Explorer. Broadcasts are transmitted only over Spanning
Tree paths on inter-connected source-routed rings. This setting maximizes the efficiency
of the broadcast. Enter an s and press <Enter> to select Spanning Tree Explorer.
After you enter framing type information a message displays indicating that this
IPX router
port was created:
Created router port for vlan 1:3
You have now completed the configuration of the virtual router port for this VLAN. You
can monitor activity on this VLAN through other AutoTracker commands. See later section
in this chapter for more information on these commands.