
Viewing IPX Statistics
Page 27-9
IPX Output Statistics
pkts sent: The number of packets forwarded (not including fast path routed packets).
pkts generated locally: The number of packets forwarded that were generated by local IPX
applications (RIP and SAP).
pkts discarded: The number of discarded packets.
pkts with no route found: The number of packets that could not be forwarded because a
route to the destination IPX network could not be found.
Stats for IPX Router Interface
state: State of the IPX router for this interface (ON or OFF).
status: Status of the interface (UP or DOWN).
type: The type of interface (BROADCAST or POINT-TO-POINT).
rtr encapsulation: Router port encapsulation used for this interface (EN=Ethernet,
FD=FDDI, TR=Token Ring).
state changes: The number of state changes that have occurred on this interface (up to
down, down to up).
sent: The number of RIP packets sent.
received: The number of RIP packets received.
update interval: The RIP update timer interval for this interface. If a WAN interface is
configured as a Triggered RIP/SAP interface, this field will contain the word “triggered.”
Triggered interfaces transmit information only once, when the change occurs.
sent: The number of SAP packets sent.
received: The number of SAP packets received.
update interval: The SAP update timer interval for this interface. If a WAN interface is
configured as a Triggered RIP/SAP interface, this field will contain the word “triggered.”
Triggered interfaces transmit information only once, when the change occurs.