
Modifying a Group or VLAN
Page 19-41
Viewing Your Changes
When you enter a change at the colon prompt, the modvl screen does not normally refresh. If
you want to see the current Group or VLAN settings, including any changes you made, enter a
question mark (?) at the colon prompt. The modvl screen will refresh.
Saving Your Changes
Once you have entered all your modifications and you want to save them, type save at the
colon prompt. You will exit the modvl command and your changes will take effect.
Canceling Your Changes
You can also exit the modvl command without saving any changes you made in the current
session. Simply enter cancel at the colon prompt or enter <Ctrl>-d. The modvl command will
end and none of the changes you made will be saved.
Changing the IP Address
Changing the IP address can also affect the Subnet Mask and the Broadcast Address. The new
IP address means that the Subnet Mask and Broadcast Address must be re-generated and the
following message displays:
New IP address generates new subnet and broadcast address
Enter ‘?’ to view the changes
The system automatically creates new Subnet Mask and Broadcast addresses based on the
new IP address. If you enter a question mark (?) at this point you could view these changes.
If you remove the last IP address in the system, you will see a warning message that
(and other applications) are now inoperational.
Changing the IP Subnet Mask
Changing the IP Subnet Mask can also affect the IP Broadcast Address. The new Subnet Mask
means that the Broadcast Address must be re-generated and the following message displays:
New mask caused change in broadcast address
The system automatically created a new Broadcast address based on the new Subnet Mask. If
you entered a question mark (?) at this point you could view these changes.