
Configuring the HRE-X Router Port
Page 9-27
Configuring the HRE-X Router Port
Various services in the switch use the HRE-X router port MAC registers. The registers are allo-
cated as the services are loaded at startup. The hrex submenu contains five commands for use
with the Hardware Routing Engines (HREs). The hrexassign command allows you to config-
ure the switch so that registers are reserved for particular services. The hrexdisplay command
allows you to view your current configuration. To display the hrex submenu, enter
at the system prompt. A screen similar to the following is displayed.
Command HRE-X Management Menu
hrexassign Assign an HRE-X router port MAC register to a service
hrexdisplay Display HRE-X router port MAC register assignments
hrexutil Display HRE-X Pseudo CAM and cache utilization
hrexhashopt Optimize HRE-X Pseudo CAM hash function for current data
hrexhashdflt Restore default HRE-X Pseudo CAM hash function
To view the current HRE-X configuration enter
at the system prompt. A screen similar to the following is displayed.
Reg Configured Actual
------ ---------------- -----------------
1 Any Routing
2 Any Unused
3 Any Unused
The fields displayed by the hrexdisplay command are described below:
Reg. The number of the MAC registers.
Configured. The service type assigned to the register.
Actual. The service that is actively using the register.
To reserve a register for a particular service, you can assign the registers to the service. To
assign the registers on the
HRE-X router port, enter
at the system prompt. A screen similar to the following is displayed.
hrexassign <register number> <service type>
The <register number> is either 1, 2 or 3 referring to the MAC register. The <service type>
parameter specifies the service configured to the registers. The service types are shown on the
screen display are defined here.
any. This register is not reserved to a particular service.
routing. This register is assigned to standard routing.
cip. This register is assigned to Classical IP
m013. This register is assigned to Channelized DS-3 module (WSX-M013).
mpoa. This register is assigned to Multiprotocol Over ATM
vrrp. This register is assigned to Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol.