
Trap Tables
Page 13-24
Trap fallingAlarm
Object ID
The value of an Ethernet statistical variable (i.e., a member of the Ether-
net statistics group as defined by
RFC 1757) has dipped below its falling
threshold. The variable’s falling threshold and whether it will generate an
SNMP trap for this condition are configured by a network management
station running
Bit Position
(Word 0)
Hex Value
(Word 0)
Trap Text
An RMON alarm entry crossed its falling threshold (index 25 var 2 type 1
value 100 falling threshold 9)
Alarm Index. An index value for this entry in the
alarm table. Each entry defines a diagnostic sample
at a particular interval for an object on the device.
Variable. The MIB object identifier
for the variable being sampled.
Sampling Method. The method of sampling
the selected variable and calculating the
value for comparison with the thresholds.
Possible values are:
1 Absolute Value. The value of the
selected variable will be compared
directly with the thresholds at the end
of the sampling interval.
2 Delta Value. The value of the selected
variable at the last sample will be sub-
tracted from the current value, and the
difference compared with the thresh-
Value. The value of the statis-
tic during the last sampling
period. For example, if the
sample method is Delta Val-
ue, this value will be the dif-
ference between the samples
at the beginning and end of
the period. If the sample
method is Absolute Value,
this value will be the sampled
value at the end of the peri-
od. This is the value that is
compared with the falling
Falling Threshold. A threshold for the sampled statistic.
This trap is generated when the current sampled value is
less than or equal to this threshold, and the value at the
last sampling interval was more than this threshold.
After a falling event is generated, another such event will
not be generated until the sampled value rises above this
threshold and reaches the Rising Threshold value.