
Setting Configuration Parameters
Page 29-24
You make changes by entering the line number for the option you want to change, an equal
sign (=), and then the value for the new parameter. When you are done entering all new
values, type save at the colon prompt (:) and all new parameters will be saved. The follow-
ing sections describe the options you can alter through this menu.
Several of the parameters in this menu (
Polling Interval,
Full Status Interval, Error Threshold, and Monitored Events
) are set to Frame Relay defaults and do not
need to be changed except in rare cases. These options
should only be modified by experienced Frame Relay
network administrators. Changes to these options will
probably also require coordination with the service
In addition, the DLCMI Type option must be entered
correctly or the WSX will not be able to communicate
with the Frame Relay network. The WSX board is self-
configuring in many ways, but it cannot compensate for
an incorrect DLCMI Type.
1) Description
Enter a description for this port. The description can be up to 30 characters long.
2) Administrative Status
This option enables or disables the port. If set to
UP, then the port has been enabled and can
transmit data as long as its Operational Status is also UP. If set to DN, then the port will not
pass data even if its physical connection is good.
3) DLCMI Type
This field specifies the Data Link Control Management Interface (
DLCMI) that you want to use
for Frame Relay and virtual circuit management. You have three choices for this protocol,
each of which corresponds to an existing widely-used protocol. The letters used in the
frmodify screen correspond to the following DLCMIs:
L LMI rev. 1.0 (LMI)
D ANSI T1.617 Annex D
A CCITT-ITU-T Q.933 Annex A
N None
Enter your choice by specifying the letter corresponding to your choice.
Important Note
DLCMI protocol that you enter must match that
used by your service provider. Entering an incorrect
DLCMI protocol may cause the port to not operate. The
WSX needs to know the protocol you are using to
establish communication with the Frame Relay