
The WAN Port Software Menu
Page 28-14
The WAN Port Software Menu
User interface commands for the WSX board are on a separate menu that is accessed through
the wan command. The WAN Port menu is a submenu of the Interface menu. Typing wan at
any system prompt displays the following menu:
Command Wide Area Networking Menu
------------- -------------------------------------------------
wpmodify Modify a given WAN port’s parameters
wpdelete Delete a given port’s parameters, and restore defaults
wpview View WAN port parameters for a given slot and port
wpstatus View WAN port status of entire chassis, slot, or individual port
fr Enter the Frame Relay submenu
ppp Enter the PPP submenu
isdn Enter the ISDN-specific submenu
link Enter the link-specific submenu
Main File Summary VLAN Networking
Interface Security System Services Help
The ISDN menu will only appear on systems with a
least one
WSX-BRI module installed.
You can start most of the commands by typing the first three (3) letters of the command
name. For example, to use the
wpview command, type wpv.
The following sections describe the use of commands on the WAN Port menu.
Setting Configuration Parameters
When you plug in a WSX board, it is automatically configured to the default settings. By
default, the WSX uses Frame Relay protocol. In addition, the access rate for serial ports
defaults to 64 kbps for RS-232 cables. The access rate for other cable types defaults to 2
Mbps. You can change these settings, as well as several other settings, such as clocking and
protocol type, with the wpmodify command.
Modifying a Port
Use the wpmodify command to modify a port, as shown below:
wpmodify <slot>/<port>
in which <slot> is the slot number where the WSX board is located, and <port> is the port
number on the WSX board that you want to modify. When this command is entered, the
system automatically senses what type of port is being configured, and displays the
appropriate screen for that type of port. The screen is different depending on the type of
encapsulation used, either Frame-Relay or Point-to-Point Protocol.
Make changes by entering the line number for the option you want to change, an equal sign
(=), and the value for the new parameter. When you have finished entering the new values,
save at the prompt to save the new parameters. The following sections describe the
options you can alter through this menu. The following three examples show a typical setup
screen for a serial port, an ISDN-BRI port, and a fractional T1 port, respectively.