
Deleting Ports and Virtual Circuits
Page 29-37
Deleting a Port and Its Virtual Circuits
You can delete a port as well as all of its associated virtual circuits. Deleting a port means that
all configuration parameters on the port and all learned virtual circuits will revert back to
default settings. The port is not logically deleted, and can still be reconfigured after the delete.
To truly “delete” a port you must disconnect its cable or set its Administrative Status to
To delete a virtual circuit, enter the following command:
frdelete <slot>/<port>
where <slot> is the Omni Switch/Router slot number for the WSX board, <port> is the port
number on the WSX board that you want to delete. For example, if you wanted to delete Port
1 of the WSX board in slot 2, then would enter:
frdelete 2/1
frd 2/1
This system returns the following prompt to confirm the deletion:
This will delete Slot 2, Port 1 and its DLCIs. Continue? {(Y)es, (N)o} (N)
Enter a Y to confirm the deletion or press <Enter> to cancel the deletion.