
Configuring Fast Spanning Tree
Page 17-38
Enabling Fast Spanning Tree Port Parameters
The actfstps command allows you to activate Fast Spanning Tree port parameters on a
selected group or VLAN. To enable Fast Spanning Tree, enter the actstps command as shown:
actfstps <groupNumber>
where <groupNumber> is the number of the group in the switch for which you want to view
Fast Spanning Tree port parameters. For example, to view parameters for Group 1, enter:
actfstps 1
If Fast Spanning Tree is not enabled (default), a screen similar to the following will appear:
Fast Spanning Tree disabled for Group 1 (Default GROUP (#1))
Enable 1/ Disable 2 Fast Spanning Tree/ Return nothing?
To enable the Fast Spanning Tree feature, enter 1 at the prompt. (If you press the Enter key
without typing anything, the setting will not be changed.)
No confirmation message will appear. To view the Fast Spanning Tree Port Summary, enter
fstps at the prompt. For details about the Fast Spanning Tree Port Summary, see Displaying
Fast Spanning Tree Port Parameters on page 17-36.
Important Notes
To determine whether Fast Spanning Tree is enabled
on a
VLAN, enter sts at the prompt.
To enable Fast Spanning Tree on a
VLAN, enter stc at
the prompt, then follow the onscreen instructions to
enable it. For more details, see Configuring Spanning
Tree Parameters on page 17-25.