
Running Hardware Diagnostics
Page 36-8
stress Functional testing of physical ports with continuous full-wire traffic. The
data packets are initially generated by the MPX, sent out the physical port,
and looped back through external cables or wrap plugs. Once the packets
are returned, modifications in the packets’ destination address allows the
packets to continuously circulate between the NI CPU and the external
cables or wrap plugs for a predefined period. Once the predefined period
is reached the packets are returned to the MPX. The packets are checked
on a bit by bit basis by the MPX. If Ethernet type switch is tested, this test
requires the desx.img file to be in the flash memory. Stress test requires the
use of external cables or wrap plugs. The system will provide user with
instructions for setting up external cables or wrap plugs for stress test and
prompts the user for input upon completion of setup. For more informa-
tion on port tests, see Port Tests on page 36-9. For information on cables
required for the port test, see Omni Switch/Router Port Test Wrap
Cable/Plug Requirements on page 36-10 for the Omni Switch/Router.
submem Tests the submodule’s local memory. Includes testing local memory control
logic, data/address lines, and local memory.
suni Tests the SUNI registers. Includes testing the SUNI control logic, registers,
and data/address lines.
tellreg Tests the Telluride ASIC registers. Test the Telluride ASIC control logic,
registers, and data/address lines.
whsreg Tests the Whistler registers. Test the Whistler control logic, registers, and
data/address lines.
wsmcable Tests the detection of DCE and DTE cables by the WSX circuitry. The opera-
tor is prompted for the appropriate cable connection.
xcam Tests the Alcatel CAM. Tests the Alcatel CAM control logic, CAM access, and
the data line and buffers.