
Mobile Groups
Page 19-14
Viewing Ports in a Mobile Group
The vpl command lists all the Groups in the switch currently configured as mobile Groups
and the ports currently assigned to those Groups. Since ports are assigned to mobile groups
dynamically, this display is helpful to find out which ports the switch already sees in each
group. Ports will only display in this screen for secondary groups (i.e., not default or primary
groups). Enter vpl and a screen similar to the following displays:
Group ID Physical Port Virtual Port
Group ID: 2 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 12 13 14 15
Group ID: 3 3/1 5/2 8 20
Group ID: 6 NULL Port List
Group ID: 8 4/1 5/1 11 19
Group ID
. The group number assigned to this mobile group during the crgp procedure.
Physical Port. The physical switch ports that have been dynamically assigned to this group
because they matched an AutoTracker policy. (Primary groups do not display in this screen.
For a display of port-to-primary group mappings, use the vi command) If this column reads
NULL Port List, then no physical ports have been assigned to the group yet.
Virtual Port. The virtual ports that are part of this mobile group. For Ethernet switch ports,
there is a one-to-one relationship between physical and virtual ports.
Viewing a Port’s Mobile Group Affiliations
The vigl command lists all the ports in the switch that have been assigned to mobile Groups.
It is similar to the vpl command, but it lists ports first and then Groups. Since ports are
assigned to mobile groups dynamically, this display is helpful to find out which ports the
switch already sees in each group. Ports will only display in this screen for secondary groups
(i.e., not default or primary groups). Enter vigl and a screen similar to the following displays:
Virtual Port Physical Port Group ID
12 13 14 15 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 Group ID: 2
8 20 3/1 5/2 Group ID: 3
NULL Port List Group ID: 6
11 19 Physical Port Group ID
Virtual Port
. The virtual ports in this mobile group. For Ethernet switch ports, there is a one-to-
one relationship between physical and virtual ports.
Physical Port. The physical switch ports that have been dynamically assigned to this second-
ary mobile group because they matched an AutoTracker policy. (Primary groups do not
display in this screen. For a display of port-to-primary group mappings, use the
vi command)
If this column reads
NULL Port List, then no physical ports have been assigned to the group
Group ID. The group number assigned to this mobile group during the crgp procedure.