
Setting Configuration Parameters
Page 29-25
31) LMI Procedure Type
This field specifies the Local Management Interface (
LMI) procedure type for this Frame Relay
port. You have three choices for the LMI procedure type. The letters used in the frmodify
screen correspond to the following:
B Bidirectional
U User (the default)
N Network
Enter your choice by specifying the letter corresponding to your choice.
4) Polling Interval T391/nT1
This interval is the time in seconds between
WSX port polls of the Frame Relay network. The
WSX port polls the network by sending STATUS ENQUIRY messages, which check the link
integrity of the Frame Relay connection. By default this interval is set to 10 seconds, but you
can increase or decrease it. The default is the standard Frame Relay value. Increasing the poll-
ing interval lightens the data load on the port, as it does not have to poll as often. The inter-
val may range from 1 second to 4 minutes and 15 seconds (255 seconds).
Important Note
This option should only be modified by experienced
Frame Relay network administrators.
5) Full Status Interval N391/nN1
This interval is the time in seconds between
FULL STATUS ENQUIRIES initiated by the WSX to
the Frame Relay network. The Frame Relay network returns a list of all virtual circuits and
whether they are active or inactive. You can set this interval from 1 to 10 seconds. By default,
this interval is set to 6 seconds, which is the standard Frame Relay default value.
Important Note
This option should only be modified by experienced
Frame Relay network administrators.