6-110 ADAM-5000
Command Set
#aaSiBB(data) #aaSiBB(data)
Name Digital Data Out
Description This command either sets a single digital output channel
or sets all digital output channels simultaneously.
Syntax #aaSiBB(data)(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
address of the ADAM-5000 system.
Si identifies the slot i (i:0 to 3) of the ADAM-5000
system which contains the module whose output values
you want to set.
BB is used to indicate which channel(s) either single or
all will be set.
Writing to all channels (write a byte): both characters
should be equal to zero (BB=00).
Writing to a single channel (write a bit): first character is
1, second character indicates channel number which can
range from 0h to Fh. The ADAM-5056 can range from
0h to Fh, and the ADAM-5060/5068 can range from 0h to
(data) is the hexadecimal representation of the digital
output value(s).
When writing to a single channel (bit) the first character
is always 0. The value of the second character is either 0
or 1.
When writing to all channels (byte) 2 or 4-characters
are significant. The digital equivalent of these
hexadecimal characters represent the channels' values.
Note that the number of channels on the ADAM-5056
and ADAM-5060/5068 differ.
5060/5068 Digital I/O