4-22 ADAM-5000
I/O Modules
Calibration voltage (ADAM-5017H)
Table 4-9: Calibration voltage of ADAM-5017H
(1) Note: You can substitute 2.5 V for 20 mA if you remove the
current conversion resistor for that channel. Howev-
er, the calibration accuracy will be limited to 0.1%
due to the resistor's tolerance.
Module Input Range
Code (Hex)
Input Range Span Calibration
5017H 00h ±10 V +10 V
01h 0 ~ 10 V +10 V
02h ±5 V +5 V
03h 0 ~ 5 V +5 V
04h ±2.5 V +2.5 V
05h 0 ~ 2.5 V +2.5 V
06h ±1 V +1 V
07h 0 ~ 1 V +1 V
08h ±500 mV +500 mV
09h 0 ~ 500 mV +500 mV
0ah 4 ~ 20 mA *(1)
0bh 0 ~ 20 mA *(1)