ADAM-5000 4-49
Chapter 4
Figure 4-50: Digital Output Mapping
Features--Digital Output Mapping
If users want to use Digital Output function, ADAM utility is available
for setting specifically which module, channel or slot to receive the
alarm signals.
1: High Alarm State--Set Alarm state to "Latch" or "Disable".
2: High Alarm Limt--Set Alarm limit from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
3: High Alarm Output Mode--Enable or Disable D.O. Mapping.
4: High Alarm Output Slot--Users can select D.O Modules such as
ADAM-5050, ADAM-5056, ADAM-5060, ADAM-5068 for the
alarm signal to be sent through.
5: High Alarm Output Channel--Select Alarm Output Channel
6: Clear Latch Alarm--Users can Select "Enable" or "Disable"
option. When selecting "Enable", the latch will be relieved and the
alarm state will return to normal. Once the alarm state returns to
normal, the Clear Latch Alarm will return to "Disable".