Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6600 Switch User Manual

Configuring High Availability VLANs
Release 5.1.6.R02 User Guide Supplement June 2005 page 3-11
Removing Ingress Ports
To remove ingress ports from a high availability VLAN you use the no form of the vlan port-mac
ingress-port command by entering vlan, followed by the VLAN’s ID number, port-mac no ingress-port,
the slot number of the port, a slash (/), and the port number.
For example, to remove ingress port 3/2 from high availability VLAN 10 you would enter:
-> vlan 10 port-mac no ingress-port 3/2
You can also remove multiple ingress ports by entering vlan, followed by the VLAN’s ID number, port-
mac no ingress-port, the slot number of the first port, a slash (/), the port number of the first port, a space,
the slot number of the second port, a slash, and the port number of the second port. Additional ports can
also be removed by specifying their slot number, a slash, and their port number preceded by a space.
For example, to remove ingress port 3/2, 5/1, and 7/4 from high availability VLAN 10 you would enter:
-> vlan 10 port-mac no ingress-port 3/2 5/1 7/4
You can also remove a range of ingress ports by entering vlan, followed by the VLAN’s ID number, port-
mac no ingress-port, the slot number of the first port, a slash (/), the port number of the first port on the
NI, a hyphen (-), and the last port on the NI.
For example, to remove ingress port 2/1 through 2/5 from high availability VLAN 10 enter:
-> vlan 10 port-mac no ingress-port 2/1-5
You can remove multiple and ranges of ingress ports in the same command line. For example, to remove
ingress ports 2/1 through 2/5, 3/2, 5/1, and 7/4 from high availability VLAN 10 you would enter:
-> vlan 10 port-mac no ingress-port 2/1-5 3/2 5/1 7/4
Note. Removing the last ingress/egress port from an HA VLAN is not allowed. Deleting the VLAN is
required when there is only one ingress/egress port left in the VLAN.