Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6600 Switch User Manual

ipv6 address IPv6 Commands
page 2-6 Release 5.1.6.R02 User Guide Supplement June 2005
ipv6 address
Configures an IPv6 address for an IPV6 interface on a VLAN, configured tunnel, or a 6to4 tunnel. There
are different formats for this command depending on the address type.
ipv6 address ipv6_address /prefix_length [anycast] {if_name | loopback}
no ipv6 address ipv6_address /prefix_length [anycast] {if_name | loopback}
ipv6 address ipv6_prefix/prefix_length eui-64 {if_name | loopback}
no ipv6 address ipv6_prefix/prefix_length eui-64 {if_name | loopback}
Syntax Definitions
ipv6_address IPv6 address.
/prefix_length The number of bits that are significant in the IPv6 address (mask).
anycast Indicates the address is an anycast address.
eui-64 Append an EUI-64 identifier to the prefix.
if_name Name assigned to the interface.
loopback Configures the loopback interface.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6624, 6648, 7700, 7800, 8800
Usage Guidelines
You can assign multiple IPv6 addresses to an IPv6 interface.
Use the “no” form of the command to delete an address.
The “eui” form of the command is used to add or remove an IPv6 address for a VLAN or configured
tunnel using an EUI-64 interface ID in the low order 64 bits of the address.
To enable IPv6 routing you must first create a VLAN, then create an IPv6 interface on the VLAN. See
Chapter 21, “VLAN Management Commands,” for information on creating VLANs.
To route IPv6 traffic over and IPv4 network, you must create an IPv6 tunnel using the ipv6 interface
tunnel source destination command.
parameter default
/prefix_length 0